For over 100 years, Horne Engineering Ltd has pioneered the development of thermostatic control technology using steam and hot water for a variety of applications: rapid (steam) heating of vented storage vessels, temperature control of steam calorifiers, temperature-controlled process water and non-storage hot water wash-down. Industries utilising these technologies include food and drink production and processing, brewing, dairy, chemical manufacturing, pharmaceutical and cosmetics production and also packaging manufacture.
The EA-1 thermostatic steam control valve was invented by Horne in 1909 to automatically maintain the temperature of water in hot water storage calorifiers, irrespective of the daily demand for hot water. It removed the need for manual opening and closing of a steam gate valve and would accurately regulate the temperature from no draw-off to full demand. The EA-1 rapidly became known in the market (the poor houses and fever houses of the time, and precursor to today’s NHS estate) as the ‘Standard Valve’. This valve is still manufactured today, in sizes DN15-DN50, for use in industrial washing machines, steam calorifiers and other hot water storage applications.
The Horne Steam Injection Heater, SIH, is often used in conjunction with the EA-1 to rapidly heat water in storage vats. It works by injecting tiny steam bubbles directly into the cold water, where they collapse and release their real and latent heat, enabling very rapid and highly efficient heating. The steam bubbles are sized such that the SIH operates with minimal noise and vibration. It also has no moving parts, which means zero maintenance.
The SWM1 Steam-Water Mixing Valve mixes steam with cold water to give large volume instantaneous hot water for wash-down and rapid vat/tank filling applications. Both thermostatic and pressure balanced, the SWM1 provides the safest, most accurate and reliable delivery of non-storage, temperature controlled hot water in the world. Watch the YouTube video below to see the astonishing performance of the SWM1 under extremely challenging inlet conditions.
In the early 1920s, Horne Engineering Ltd also invented the world’s first thermostatic water-water mixing valve (TMV). Over the 100+ intervening years, this technology has been developed and refined and is now established in a range of thermostatic mixing valves sized DN15 to DN50, for a variety of process applications.
Horne Engineering Ltd: SWM1-10 The World’s Safest Steam and Water Mixing Valve for hot water wash-down or rapid vat or tank filling

Horne Engineering Ltd
Delivering Safe Hot Water since1909
PO Box 7
Rankine Street
Scotland, PA5 8BD
Phone: +44 1505 321455
Fax: +44 1505 336287
Website: https://www.horne.co.uk/products/steam-products/
Horne Engineering Ltd on Social Media:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP3HPf3tQrcBpC9toYlmnlQ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HorneEng
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/horne-engineering-ltd/