Expro Group

Lion House,
Dyce Avenue,
T: 01224 225 700
F: 01224 225868

Expro has created and captured the well flow management market. All our core services, products and key technologies assist our customers to measure, improve, control and process flow from their wells.Expro operates in all the major hydrocarbon producing areas of the world, employing 5,000 people in 50 countries. With our head office in the UK, Expro has regional headquarters in Aberdeen, Cape Town, Dubai, Houston, Kuala Lumpur and Rio. We have grown rapidly in recent years to become a market leader in the offshore and subsea arena, with a strengthened presence in gas wells and land markets. Expros global product line teams are supported by our network of multi-discipline experts, ensuring consistency of service and underpinning our commitment to deliver service excellence to our customers worldwide.